Caretaker's Talent

Flying Tribal Update: Bloomburrow

Update (Bloomburrow) :

With the release of Bloomburrow, Flying Tribal is getting an upgrade!

In: Obyra, Dreaming Duelist , Out: Kangee’s Lieutenant (bonus upgrade)

In: Baleful Strix , Out: Emeria Angel (bonus upgrade)

Caretaker’s Talent is an amazing inclusion for our Flying Tribal deck as it has high synergy with our commander and our flying tokens strategy. even at Level 1 it is good enough, as it becomes a card draw engine. At level 2 it copies a token while at level 3 it becomes a strong token anthem buffing our tokens by +2/+2. A multipurpose card and a top pick for our build!

Patchwork Banner is one of the best cards for Tribal builds as it combines ramp and tribal support. Being both a mana rock and a Tribal Anthem gives us amazing value for its mana cost. Of course it is a top pick for our Flying Tribal!

Obyra, Dreaming Duelist is a nice utility card as it can drain our opponents as long as we trigger the Faerie token creation of Alela, Artful Provocateur which is quite easy with our Flying Tribal build.

Baleful Strix is a top pick for our Flying Tribal build as it is an artifact, a flyer and it has deathouch and card draw on ETB.

The cards that were cut, work great with our Flying Tribal build too, but with the latest inclusions, we slightly shift towards a build with higher synergy with Alela, Artful Provocateur.

Now you can buy the upgrade cards with a click of a button!

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Updates are live in the featured Flying Tribal deck.

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