Doctor Who : New exciting Commander Decks!News Doctor Who Commander Decks were released on October 4th, 2023 featuring interesting commanders from Dr Who Universe! The commander precons and the face commanders are: Blast From the Past Theme: Historic spells [scryimg]The Fourth Doctor[/scryimg] Buy Blast From the Past from TCGplayer Timey-Wimey Theme: Time counters, suspend [scryimg]The Tenth Doctor[/scryimg] Buy Timey-Wimey from TCGplayer Paradox Power Theme: Casting spells, but not from hand [scryimg]The Thirteenth Doctor[/scryimg] Buy Paradox Power from TCGplayer Masters of Evil Theme: Giving opponents bad choices, artifacts [scryimg]Davros, Dalek Creator[/scryimg] Buy Masters of Evil from TCGplayer Stay tuned for more strategic deckbuilding, updates and news! Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave