Gornog, the Red Reaper

Minotaur Tribal Update : Foundations

Update (Foundations) :

With the release of Foundations, Minotaur Tribal is getting an upgrade!

Gornog, the Red Reaper is one amazing addition to our build. He greatly supports our aggressive strategy and he works as a Warrior Tribal Lord making our Warriors unblockable by making our opponents’ creatures Cowards that can’t block Warriors. In addition, he is buffing their power by X where X is the number of Cowards our opponents control. In our deck we count 14 Warriors which is almost 1/2 of our creatures, so we have high synergy and it makes him a potential finisher. He is a Warrior himself and Sethron, Hurloon General is a Warrior too, so we have a high chance to have at least 2-3 Warriors in play. Moreover, by making a creature a Coward, we’re overwriting its creature types so we also ruin various Tribal synergies of our opponents. A great utility card and a must-have for Minotaur Tribal!

Ahn-Crop Crasher gets cut because his ability is less powerful, less consistent and needs to be exerted to make just one creature unable to block for a turn, so he can’t even compare to Gornog.

Sandstorm Crasher is like an upgraded version of Felhide Spiritbinder with the downside that it needs to be exerted. Its ability can be activated one turn sooner and has no mana cost, so it is much more consistent. Moreover, it has Trample which is a nice bonus. A great inclusion for our Minotaur Tribal.

We could spare a target removal spell to make space for Sandstorm Crasher, so Abrade gets cut.

Now you can buy the upgrade cards with a click of a button!

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Updates are live in the featured Minotaur Tribal deck.

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